The An Cala Palliative Care Unit opened in 2008. It is a nine-bed acute care unit located on the fourth floor of the Cape Breton Regional Hospital. An Cala is Gaelic for safe harbour — and that is what is found here — a safe haven and a place of comfort. Through our donors, the Society provides volunteer support, music therapy, baking, flowers, human touches, special events, Internet access, televisions, a kitchen and family room, along with shower and laundry facilities for families who are staying with their palliative care patient.

When patients are receiving palliative care at home, they may require additional equipment to treat or support their circumstances and maintain a quality of life that is comfortable for them or eases the challenges for their families.

Thanks to our community donors, the Society provides home healthcare equipment free of charge when it is deemed necessary by the palliative care physician or nurse. (When equipment is not available through the Red Cross). Again, thanks to our donors, we support a broad-based financial assistance fund that is administered through the palliative care social worker and, in exceptional circumstances, provides 24-hour nursing care at home when requested by a physician.