Media Award 

The National CHPCA Media Award recognizes media professionals and organizations for outstanding coverage and advancement of issues related to hospice palliative and end-of-life care in Canada. 

The hosts of Sick Boy podcast sitting side by side on a concrete barrier.

Media Award

SickBoy Podcast 2023 

In recognition of their podcast series increasing knowledge and awareness of healthcare, chronic illnesses, and death and dying in a fun and approachable manner.

Sharon Kirkey, 2015 CHPCA Media award winner

Media Award

Sharon Kirkey 2015 

In recognition of the series of excellent and informative articles she wrote on end-of-life issues in Canada throughout 2014 and 2015.

Andre Picard, 2013 CHPCA Media Award winner

Media Award

Andre Picard 2013 

In recognition of the several excellent articles he wrote on hospice palliative care throughout 2012-2013. 

2012 Globe and Mail and Lisa Priest 

2011 Graduate Journalism Program at Western and the CBC 

2010 Mr. Tim Wilson 

2007 Zone3 Inc. 

2006 The Ottawa Citizen 

Award Eligibility 

Nominee Criteria 

The nominee is an exemplary media professional or organization that advances public awareness of hospice palliative care and end-of-life care in Canada. 

Emphasis will be placed on media professionals or organizations who have made an impact at the national level. 

The recipient of the National Media Award must meet all of the selection criteria as determined by the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association.  

Media Criteria 

Media coverage for the award can come from traditional sources like news, features, columns, or opinion pieces, as well as non-traditional sources like podcasts, blogs, speeches, interviews, etc. The award criteria consider both individual pieces and series submissions. A series will be judged as a single piece. 

The recipient must be a Canadian citizen or organization. 

The award will be presented to only one individual or organization each year. 


Award Selection Committee

The award selection committee will be made up of CHPCA senior leadership and the current communications team.  

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Do you have questions for us?

If you have questions about this award, the award process, or nominations, let us know.