Last Aid

Serious illness, dying, and grief can make us feel helpless. The Last Aid® course builds understanding and confidence so we can better support those who are dying and grieving and have less fear about our own mortality. 

An Asian Man and an African American Man both wearing glasses sitting at a table, looking at each other and smiling.

About the Last Aid® Course 

Originating in Germany, and now being offered in twenty-two countries, Last Aid is an academically reviewed, public education course that gives the average person an overview of dying and grief. Visit Last Aid International for more information

Last Aid is often described as a First Aid course for end-of-life. This short course gives you the information you need to support your loved ones, and provides access to a great deal of resources, including organizations, websites, books, and videos.  

Course Construction 

The Last Aid® course is broken down into four modules, each approximately 45 minutes long. 

Death as a normal part of life 

Includes a description of the usually peaceful and pain-free dying process. 

Clarifies aims and goals of palliative care.  

Planning ahead 

Learn how palliative care and hospice care are provided.  

Guidelines to help navigate the healthcare system. 

The basics of Advance Care Planning.  

Relieving suffering 

Practical ways to provide care at the end of life. 

Explanations of common signs and symptoms. 

Explanations of often used medical terms and procedures. 

Final goodbyes 

Explore some of the rituals and practices used by various cultures when death occurs. 

Learn how to normalize grief and how to talk about it with others, especially children. 

Who Should Attend? 

Last Aid® is for everyone who wants to learn more about what they can do for those close to them during dying, death, and grieving.  

It is for individuals who want to feel more comfortable and confident in talking about, and planning for the end of life of their loved ones, and of their own.   


In both 2012 and 2015 Last Aid won awards at the international Palliative Care Network Conference. Also, in 2015 Last Aid® was awarded the “Recognition and Advancement Prize for Outpatient Palliative Care”, by the German Society for Palliative Medicine. And, as a participant in the nationwide competition Startsocial, was honoured by Chancellor Merkel as one of Germany’s best civic projects.

In 2016, Last Aid participated in the HelferHerzen (HelperHeart) project.

In 2021/2022 Last Aid Courses for Kids and Teens® was honoured as one of the best social projects in the Startsocial competition by the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Join the Last Aid® Mailing List

Please Note: Thank you to everyone who signed up letting us know of their interest in becoming a Facilitator. You will receive an email shortly with more information about the application process.

If you did not sign up before our first round of facilitator recruitment ended but would like to be considered for future calls for Facilitators, please sign up using the form below. If you have questions, please send an email to [email protected]

If you are interested in taking Last Aid course when they are available, please join our mailing list using the form below.