Visiting Connections – One Volunteer’s Story as an End of Life Companion

Eight years ago, Angela McBride’s mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and spent the last seven and half weeks of her life at a palliative care facility in Winnipeg. Angela would visit her mother frequently there, and it was during these visits that she came to truly understand the value of companionship at end-of-life.

By |2024-07-02T14:57:43-04:00November 11, 2022|The Palliative Approach|Comments Off on Visiting Connections – One Volunteer’s Story as an End of Life Companion

Developing the Role of Volunteers to Support Caregivers of Children Living with Medical Complexity

Gloria Puurveen, PhD, Project Manager and Knowledge Translation - Nav-CARE [...]

By |2024-06-26T15:37:51-04:00June 27, 2022|The Palliative Approach|Comments Off on Developing the Role of Volunteers to Support Caregivers of Children Living with Medical Complexity

A Rainbow of Opportunities: Improving 2SLGBTQ+ Inclusive Palliative Care

By Shelly Cory, Executive Director of Canadian Virtual Hospice  People [...]

By |2024-06-26T15:25:41-04:00November 8, 2021|The Palliative Approach|Comments Off on A Rainbow of Opportunities: Improving 2SLGBTQ+ Inclusive Palliative Care

Experiences with the health care system: Interviews with Caregivers about Palliative Care in Canada

By Dawn Guthrie People generally prefer to receive palliative care [...]

By |2024-06-26T15:07:19-04:00April 1, 2021|The Palliative Approach|Comments Off on Experiences with the health care system: Interviews with Caregivers about Palliative Care in Canada
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